
Algorithmic Arts (AlgoArts) encompasses all people and programs involved in the integration of computing and arts – creation of art through computing, and creation of algorithms for artistic practice.

The main goal of this workshop is to bring together a diverse group of Algorithmic Arts educators and practitioners to explore, discuss, and propagate successes, and to identify funding, policy, and curricular needs for integrating the arts with computer science education, for the purpose of broadening and deepening engagement with innovative learning practices.

Related subgoals include:

  • identify promising strategies for integrating the arts with computer science education by fostering a robust dialogue among educators, practitioners, and researchers working in this shared space.
  • create a community of experts who can develop recommendations for curricular guidelines and pedagogical practices, public policy and funder actions, and for research to advance this growing field of inter- and trans-disciplinary practice.

Algorithms have existed for at least 2,000 years (e.g., Euclid’s algorithm). In music and art, algorithms appear as early as Guido d’Arezzo (ca. 1000 A.D.), and in compositions of Bach, Mozart, John Cage, and Iannis Xenakis, as well as in the visual works of MC Escher, Vera Molnár, and Ernest Edmonds, among others. Building on this historical momentum, the workshop will examine the potential for bringing greater amalgamation or synthesis of (a) the creativity and design of the arts, with (b) the mathematical rigor and formality of computer science, technology, and engineering.