
This report summarizes the major findings of this workshop.

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It may be referenced as follows:


An opportunity exists to alleviate the silos of science, technology, and arts fields through continued sharing of expertise and support across the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

A diverse and capable workforce is vital to maintaining excellence in STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

At the same time, artists and organizations working at the intersection of arts and technology face exciting challenges and opportunities as they engage with the creative infrastructure supporting tech-focused artistic practices in this era of computing, AI, and advanced technology.

Research shows that combining computing and engineering with the arts brings innovation and creativity into STEM, and broadens participation.  Also, artists who engage with algorithms and technology have a new, open-ended creative medium to express themselves, and synthesize artifacts that were unimaginable only a few decades ago.

In one sentence – algorithm is the medium.

The workshop brought together 422 researchers, educators, and practitioners, who combine computing, engineering, and the arts.

The editors would like to acknowledge:

  • Fay Cobb Payton, for coming up with the original idea for this workshop, and for entrusting us with its organization.
  • Allyson Kennedy, for her dedication, energy, and continued guidance throughout this project, and for serving as a liaison between the NSF and the NEA.
  • Jax Deluca and Sunil Iyengar, of the NEA, for their invaluable contributions and creative input throughout this process.
  • Erik Brunvand, for various contributions and conversations on AlgoArts research and pedagogy over the years.
  • The 422 participants, for helping us see the bigger picture, and for identifying the various issues and recommendations listed here; also for showing us how vibrant, innovative, and multifaceted / diverse the AlgoArts community is; and, last but not least, for their commitment and continuous / numerous contributions to STEM research and education.
  • Finally, Roger Eastman and Courtney Starrett, for their comments and suggestions in the final stages of this report.